6 reasons why your girls will always be your soul mates

They say that if you have a friendship for 7 years it means you will be friends for the rest of your lives.

That look or random start to a conversation is the one you will always remember and be thankful for, for bringing that certain someone to your life.

Your girls are your soul mates for life. Nothing should change that. EVER.

You can be single, in a relationship, a wife or a mother but no matter what your soul mates will always have your back especially that time you got horrifically drunk… yeah I remember that time also! We have all been there and we all have those friends that although love to reminisce, tease and remind you that actually once upon a time you acted like a right tool. But never forget you have the dirt on them too. Which is half the fun of why you keep them around.

Whether you have met them or your just starting out, just know you are in for one hell of a ride. They will laugh, cry, misbehave and I can guarantee that at some point hold your hair back when you’ve taken on the world of tequila. (That will 100% happen).

1. Remember that guy you just want to forget? Never going to happen. Especially if he’s a mutual friend of one of your specials. Your friends will find the whole situation hilarious, in fact so much so that they will enjoy making you feel awkward every time he is around.
“Do you remember when you launched yourself drunk at him and he literally had to prise you off his leg” thank you for joining in… friend.

2. Ah bad band choices.. everyone loves a cheese night out at the local nightclub. The fact that you know the YMCA dance and can through shapes like it’s going out of fashion at least you know they will be right by your side making a fool of themselves with you. Hey what are friends for? And that ladies and gentlemen is how you stay single!

3. Bad boyfriend choices.. you’ve had a few. You know the ones where everyone else around you can see how much of a douche this guy is but your blinded by love (after you’ve split you realise it was just lust. LUST GODDAMN IT). However your soul mates although will allow you to carry on with this man will let you come to this decision/conclusion by yourself. They don’t tell you who you should be with, but they will hold your hand for the aftermath.

4. The adventures..you’ve had a quite a few. The road trips, the holidays and those nights where you pushed each other’s limits on the tequila train. You’ve all been unsavoury with your head in the toilet or that one time where one of you physically had to be escorted home. Their there for the fun, tropics and fancies plus the memories.

5. They believe in your dreams.. you know those crazy ones you have for like 5 minutes mainly the one where you believe that unicorns are real and you will have one. Judge me all you want but you’ve secretly dreamed if riding one to work. Ok bit out there.

6. The uncontrollable laughs.. there their beside you possibly wetting their pants with you and the mad bad situations you’re about to get yourself into.

I could go on the list is endless as to why you have your soul mates, no matter how they got there they will always be the ones that truly hold your hand and your heart.

I want to thank mine because without you my life would be boring, a meaningless fling. You make me laugh, cry and be thankful that I can be just me. And that’s what it is really about. So I will allow one more reason…

7. You.. They never judge you. For those unicorn dreams, the bad boyfriends, that drunken state you got yourself in. That one time you you really wished you could erase but then you wouldn’t be you without it. They will always let you be you and they love you for it. (Well you hope!).







So soul mates I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart you rock my world every day. I can safely say with you four by my side I will be rocking this world and my life for the rest of my days.. I love you!

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