Tampin, fumin ragin.. A night in the diff.

There is nothing better then being reunited with someone who reminds you of the brilliant time you had overseas. Especially when they shared the best year of your life with you. Although it does bring you back down to earth that you’re back in the UK in the pouring rain skipping around Cardiff and needing to be escorted home by 9pm. Definitely not like the rep days, ah memories! 

I wish someone would have prepared me for what the UK was going to bring to my new life.

What people don’t tell you is that waiting for a sunrise in the UK isn’t waiting in a sweltering heat that you may get moon burn from, it’s more like illness inducing cold instead of moon burn it’s ice burn. 

They also forget to tell you that your days off are spent rushing around instead of bumming about on a beach or swinging in a hammock or drunk on a sun bed slowly sliding off the edge (what you’ve never done that?!) The UK is full of traffic, grey clouds with the occasional spot of heat wave where you’re normally stuck in the office. 

What the travel guides also forget to tell you is that you are a whole new person. You have pushed yourself and experienced things that you never thought possible. In the UK the most adventurous you might be is trying a new restaurant. Don’t stop now you my friend are on a roll..

Even a night out in Cardiff was an adventure, one I can barely remember. Why is it Chardonnay is a total right off for the rest of the evening back in my day (the travelling rep days) wine bring it on I can go for ages – come to the UK I  ruined! What is up with that?! It’s just wrong it’s like my life and my liver were split personalities. Hardcore overseas and a wimp in the UK. 

Maybe this heart of mine is itching for a new place to visit and Cardiff just wasn’t exotic enough for me. But it was worth it for being reunited with one of the loves of my life (including wine) and a flashback to the Charlie I know and reminiscing about the awsome year I spent with her in Mexico. Not many people are lucky enough to have done that!